Hand-crafted Wood Countertops in Denver

Wood Countertops

A creative way to highlight the warmth of an atmosphere without sacrificing functionality is to install wood countertops into your Denver home or business. Rather than settling for the standard tile kitchen counter or the classic style bar top, incorporating the natural hues and unique designs of hand-crafted wood countertops can enhance your space in a subtle, but powerful way.

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At Eden Oaks we design a wide variety of projects ranging from intricately designed wood countertops primarily for display all the way to custom butcher block countertops that double as a cooking surface. Regardless of your plans for your wood countertop the Denver team at Eden Oaks is confident that we can bring your vision to life.

Elevate your Space with Custom Butcher Block Countertops

Eden Oaks uses repurposed lumber, live edge slabs, reclaimed barn wood, a variety domestic hardwoods for truly unique butcher block countertops.

  • Custom butcher block countertops are a perfect choice for a residential or commercial redesign or remodel. They bring taste and style rather than commonly used tiles and granites.
  • A properly finished wood countertop is safe for food preparation, and the toxin-free materials ensure safety while doubling as a cutting board if desired.
  • Tile and granite countertops are often more expensive for both the materials and the installaion, while even customizing your butcher block countertop has prove to be more affordable.
  • By maintaining a consistent refinishing schedule, your wood countertops are durable and long-lasting.
  • If you are concerned about role in environmental efforts, a wood countertop is a healthy, natural alternative to chemical laminates and tiling.

Why Choose Eden Oaks?

Eden Oaks Designer Woodware offers unique design and custom styling for any residential or commercial setting. Whether you need a fresh touch for a local bar top in Denver or a new design for your household kitchem, our craftsmen welcome you to explore the wide selection of custom wood countertops. We also offer cabinetry, tables, doors, and ohter interior design elements that will take your space to a whole new level.

a counter top with two drawers
a sink with running water in it
a kitchen with a sink and stove
a wooden counter top with a beverage fridge
a kitchen with wood cabinets and a stove
a kitchen with a wood countertop
a kitchen with white cabinets and a wood countertop
a bar with a counter and bar stools
a desk in a room
a kitchen with a counter top
a kitchen with a stainless steel refrigerator and a wood counter
a kitchen with a stove top
a wooden counter top in a room
a kitchen with a wood counter top

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